Enabling Good Lives

Principles In Action

Enabling Good Lives is a partnership between the disability sector and government agencies to ensure that disabled people have greater control over their lives. This includes having a say in how resources are used. It also creates opportunities for family, whānau and friends to gain the skills, confidence and information they need to support disabled people to live an everyday life in everyday places.

At Enrich Group, embedded throughout the way we provide our services are the principles of Enabling Good Lives and we do this by placing people at our heart of what we do and how we do things.  We believe that every one we support has the right to determine how they want to live their best life in their community.

Principle How We Apply This Principle
Self Determination ·        We listen to what people want

·        We explore your strengths, your dreams and aspirations

·        We support you to try new things that you choose to

·        We walk beside you, not in front or behind

·        We understand your communication needs and find a way for your voice and views to be heard

·        We provide a safe environment for you to raise any concerns you have


Beginning Early ·        We focus on early intervention strategies through McKenzie Centre

·        We are proactive with our support

·        We believe the best in you and the opportunities to learn and grow


Person Centred ·        We are all about you and meeting your needs and expectations of how we can best support you

·        We spend time to get to know you well

·        We value whānau input and foster genuine relationships

·        We support you to do things for yourself in a safe environment


Ordinary Life Outcomes ·        Our supports are flexible and can change as you grow and change

·        We have a whatever it takes attitude

·        We see mistakes as learning opportunities and if we make mistakes we apologise, learn from and move forward


Mainstream First ·        We are connected with our communities and will help you foster connections with the communities of your choice

·        We are well resourced to help you explore new things

·        We have partnerships with other community organisations that value diversity and inclusion

·        We help you develop your own network of supports around you

·        Our services are visible in the community and other community groups use our facilities

·        We support you to know what is happening in your neighbourhood so that you have the choice to participate


Mana Enhancing ·        We are disability proud

·        We actively seek and value your contribution to the development of our organisation.  Consulting with you is important to us

·        We include you in organisational planning and activities

·        We see your potential and foster your growth to be a part of our workforce

·        Our actions speak louder than words

·        Your culture is important to us


Easy to Use ·        We keep things simple

·        We use various ways to communicate so that everyone understands such as visuals, words, sign and expression


Relationship Building ·        We provide plenty of opportunities for people, whānau and friends to connect

·        We value the relationships we have with our communities

·        We help you maintain positive relationships with those you love

·        We explore what is important to you and check in to make sure we get it right for you

·        We do what we say we will do

·        We support you to participate in a wide range of activities with more people so that you can grow your own network of support and friendship


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